Fast unsigned integer to string

While perusing Hacker’s Delight miscellaneous material, I read (15) Majority function and BCD algorithms

(15) From Paolo Bonzini, 10/18/2013:

Conversion to BCD, instead, is the really interesting routine. A trivial implementation requires 7 multiply-high instructions, 7 multiplications by 10, and 21 other arithmetic/logical instructions:

This method however does not scale too well to 64-bit machines, which can hold 16 BCD digits in a register. Of course it is possible to split the 16 digits in two groups of 8, so that only one 64-bit multiply high is used.

But then, one wonders if a divide-by-conquer algorithm exists, and whether it is already efficient enough on a 32-bit machine.

It turns out that the algorithm exists, and it showcases a large number of techniques from the book. Of course, a large number of divisions by constants are there; most of them can be optimized to avoid a multiply-high instruction. Some steps even treat a register as multiple subfields and perform divisions in parallel on all subfields.

The magic numbers are (103,10) for division by 10, and (5243,19) for division by 100.

Because the divide-and-conquer only goes down to 4 bits in this function, all three division steps actually have different code. The recursive structure is a bit more visible in the 64-bit version. The compression step (an unrolled version of the “parallel prefix” algorithm) is more clearly identifiable in the 64-bit version, too.

The following routine processes up to 16 decimal digits in four steps. A new magic number is needed for division by 10000. The magicgu Python routine computes it as (109951163,40). Two steps are now able to use the parallel divisions trick, the final one doing four divisions with a single multiplication:

    /* Let the compiler figure out a divmod instruction.  */
    h = x/100000000; l = x%100000000;

    /* Two divisions and remainders by 10000 (27 bits needed).  */
    hh = (h * 109951163) >> 40; h -= hh * 10000; h |= hh << 32;
    ll = (l * 109951163) >> 40; l -= ll * 10000; l |= ll << 32;

    /* Four divisions and remainders by 100.  */
    hh = ((h * 5243) >> 19) & 0x000000FF000000FF; h -= hh * 100; h |= hh << 16;
    ll = ((l * 5243) >> 19) & 0x000000FF000000FF; l -= ll * 100; l |= ll << 16;

    /* Eight divisions by 10 (14 bits needed), followed by compression of the
     * nybbles instead of a remainder operation.
    hh = ((h * 103) >> 9) & 0x001E001E001E001E; h += hh * 3;
    ll = ((l * 103) >> 9) & 0x001E001E001E001E; l += ll * 3;

    /* Compress h and l right with mask 0x00FF00FF00FF00FF.  */
    hh = (h & 0x00FF000000FF0000l); h ^= hh ^ (hh >> 8);  // 0x0000aabb0000ccdd
    ll = (l & 0x00FF000000FF0000l); l ^= ll ^ (ll >> 8);  // 0x0000aabb0000ccdd

    hh = (h & 0x0000FFFF00000000l); h ^= hh ^ (hh >> 16); // 0x00000000aabbccdd
    ll = (l & 0x0000FFFF00000000l); l ^= ll ^ (ll >> 16); // 0x00000000aabbccdd

    /* Combine the two (simpler than compressing h left, also because masks
     * are reused).  */
    return l|(h<<32);

Concept #1

Converting a binary number to BCD is halfway to converting a binary number to an ASCII number string.

  • remove compression step - BCD numbers are useful at this point for conversion to ASCII number characters
  • add code to position numbers for little-endian Intel CPU copying
  • add code to convert from BCD numbers to ASCII number characters
  • limit code for conversion to 32-bit numbers, which means h only needs to worry about 0-42 since unsigned 32-bit numbers can range 0-4294967295
  • copy only the appropriate number of bytes to the resulting string buffer - an N digit number only results in N bytes in the string buffer

Original solution

uint32_t UlongToStringOrig(uint64_t x, char *s)
	uint64_t low;
	uint64_t ll;
	uint32_t digits;

	// 8 digits or less?
	if (x < 100000000)
		// fits into single 64-bit CPU register
		// no division/modulus needed
		low = x;

		// calc num digits
		// can use binary search
		// assume smaller numbers more frequent
		if (low <= 9999) {
			// less than 3 digits?
			if (low <= 99) {
				digits = (low > 9) ? 2 : 1;
			} else {
				digits = (low > 999) ? 4 : 3;
		} else {
			// more than 6 digits?
			if (low > 999999) {
				digits = (low > 9999999) ? 8 : 7;
			} else {
				digits = (low > 99999) ? 6 : 5;
		// Let the compiler figure out a divmod instruction
		low = (uint64_t)x % 100000000;
		uint64_t high = (uint64_t)x / 100000000;

		// h will be at most 42 for an unsigned 32-bit num
		// calc num digits
		digits = (high > 9) ? 10 : 9;

		if (high > 9)
			uint64_t hh = ((high * 103) >> 9) & 0x1E; high += hh * 3;
			*(uint16_t *)s = ((high & 0xF0) >> 4) | 
								((high & 0xF) << 8) | 0x3030;
			*s = (uint8_t)(high | 0x30);

	ll = (low * 109951163) >> 40; low -= ll * 10000; low |= ll << 32;

	// Four divisions and remainders by 100
	ll = ((low * 5243) >> 19) & 0x000000FF000000FF; low -= ll * 100; low = (low << 16) | ll;

	// Eight divisions by 10 (14 bits needed)
	ll = ((low * 103) >> 9) & 0x001E001E001E001E; low += ll * 3;

	// move digits into correct spot
	ll = ((low & 0x00F000F000F000F0) >> 4) | (low & 0x000F000F000F000F) << 8;
	ll = (ll >> 32) | (ll << 32);

	// convert from decimal digits to ASCII number digit range
	ll |= 0x3030303030303030;

	if (digits >= 8)
		*(uint64_t *)(s + digits - 8) = ll;
		auto d = digits;
		auto s1 = s;
		auto pll = (char *)&(((char *)&ll)[8 - digits]);

		if (d >= 4) {
			*(uint32_t *)s1 = *(uint32_t *)pll;
			s1 += 4; pll += 4; d -= 4;
		if (d >= 2) {
			*(uint16_t *)s1 = *(uint16_t *)pll;
			s1 += 2; pll += 2; d -= 2;
		if (d > 0) {
			*(uint8_t *)s1 = *(uint8_t *)pll;

	return digits;

After running tests that proved the solution was correct for all 32-bit numbers, I looked to see if there were other solutions.

One of the first search results listed was Leandro Pereira - Integer to string conversion.

The post also included several alternative code solutions and a benchmark harness. Cool.

Integrating my solution into the code, compiling, and then running the code showed the following results:

Hints for analyzing chart results

  • Hover over bar/line to highlight entire bar/line
  • Click on bar/line to select bar/line
  • Click on algorithm in legend to select entire line or bars for algorithm

Original Solution Performance

For large number of digits, my solution was faster than the other solutions listed.

But as sample numbers consisted of fewer and fewer digits, between 6 and 3, the high constant cost of my O(lg N) solution outweighed the speed benefits and the simpler O(N) solutions consumed much less time.

But perhaps I could reduce the large constant cost for smaller numbers…

Concept #2

For a one digit number, all the multiplies and shifts were a waste of time. Same thing for two to four digit numbers.

Since we’re trying to avoid divides, we can use a multiply and shift-right to replace the divide by 100000000.

Faster solution

uint32_t SmallDecimalToString(uint64_t x, char *s)
	if (x <= 9)
		*s = (char)(x | 0x30);
		return 1;
	else if (x <= 99)
		uint64_t low = x;
		uint64_t ll = ((low * 103) >> 9) & 0x1E; low += ll * 3;
		ll = ((low & 0xF0) >> 4) | ((low & 0x0F) << 8);
		*(uint16_t *)s = (uint16_t)(ll | 0x3030);
		return 2;
	return 0;

uint32_t SmallUlongToString(uint64_t x, char *s)
	uint64_t low;
	uint64_t ll;
	uint32_t digits;

	if (x <= 99)
		return SmallDecimalToString(x, s);

	low = x;
	digits = (low > 999) ? 4 : 3;

	// division and remainder by 100
	// Simply dividing by 100 instead of multiply-and-shift
	// is about 50% more expensive timewise on my box
	ll = ((low * 5243) >> 19) & 0xFF; low -= ll * 100;

	low = (low << 16) | ll;

	// Two divisions by 10 (14 bits needed)
	ll = ((low * 103) >> 9) & 0x1E001E; low += ll * 3;

	// move digits into correct spot
	ll = ((low & 0x00F000F0) << 28) | (low & 0x000F000F) << 40;

	// convert from decimal digits to ASCII number digit range
	ll |= 0x3030303000000000;

	uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)&ll;
	if (digits == 4) {
		*(uint32_t *)s = *(uint32_t *)(&p[4]);
	} else {
		*(uint16_t *)s = *(uint16_t *)(&p[5]);
		*(((uint8_t *)s) + 2) = *(uint8_t *)(&p[7]);

	return digits;

uint32_t UlongToString(uint64_t x, char *s)
	uint64_t low;
	uint64_t ll;
	uint32_t digits;

	// 8 digits or less?
	// fits into single 64-bit CPU register
	if (x <= 9999)
		return SmallUlongToString(x, s);
	else if (x < 100000000)
		low = x;

		// more than 6 digits?
		if (low > 999999) {
			digits = (low > 9999999) ? 8 : 7;
		} else {
			digits = (low > 99999) ? 6 : 5;
		uint64_t high = (((uint64_t)x) * 0x55E63B89) >> 57;
		low = x - (high * 100000000);
		// h will be at most 42
		// calc num digits
		digits = SmallDecimalToString(high, s);
		digits += 8;

	ll = (low * 109951163) >> 40; low -= ll * 10000; low |= ll << 32;

	// Four divisions and remainders by 100
	ll = ((low * 5243) >> 19) & 0x000000FF000000FF; low -= ll * 100; low = (low << 16) | ll;

	// Eight divisions by 10 (14 bits needed)
	ll = ((low * 103) >> 9) & 0x001E001E001E001E; low += ll * 3;

	// move digits into correct spot
	ll = ((low & 0x00F000F000F000F0) >> 4) | (low & 0x000F000F000F000F) << 8;
	ll = (ll >> 32) | (ll << 32);

	// convert from decimal digits to ASCII number digit range
	ll |= 0x3030303030303030;

	if (digits >= 8)
		*(uint64_t *)(s + digits - 8) = ll;
		auto d = digits;
		auto s1 = s;
		auto pll = (char *)&(((char *)&ll)[8 - digits]);

		if (d >= 4) {
			*(uint32_t *)s1 = *(uint32_t *)pll;
			s1 += 4; pll += 4; d -= 4;
		if (d >= 2) {
			*(uint16_t *)s1 = *(uint16_t *)pll;
			s1 += 2; pll += 2; d -= 2;
		if (d > 0) {
			*(uint8_t *)s1 = *(uint8_t *)pll;

	return digits;

Compiling and running the proposed faster code showed the following results:

Faster Solution Performance

The faster solution performs much better at smaller digits than the original solution - it’s almost equal in performance to the fastest solutions except for 3-digit numbers.

I also tried replacing the division by 100 in the facebook algorithms with equivalent multiply and shift-right operations to see if it would help performance.

There does seem to be a reduction in runtime in the modified facebook algorithms for larger digit numbers, but by 6-8 digit numbers, there’s hardly any difference.

Written on December 8, 2016