Fast unsigned integer to time string
Finishing off the output trilogy, a fast solution to converting unsigned 32-bit integers to time strings of the form HH:MM:SS.
Fast unsigned integer to hex string
Once I started down this road with Fast unsigned integer to string, the need for symmetry forced me to write an algorithm to convert unsigned integers to hex strings.
Fast unsigned integer to string
While perusing Hacker’s Delight miscellaneous material,
I read (15) Majority function and BCD algorithms
Fast hex number string to int
Extending Fast numeric string to int to converting hexadecimal number strings is easy.
Fast time string to seconds
Investigating another code execution hotspot, the case involved converting a time string representing 24 hour time into the number of seconds elapsed since midnight.
Fast numeric string to int
I was working on code to convert a string of ASCII numbers to an integer.
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